“Leadership in the OCDSB is the demonstration of personal initiative to achieve a positive outcome.”
Our incredible students have reached many school wide and individual fundraising goals, both large scale and small scale from a school-wide Dance-a-thon to raise money and awareness about Clean Water Initiatives (Free the Children) or collecting funds in support of Operation Come Home to participating in Toonie Tuesday to support the OCDSB Education Foundation.
On a few occasions, we have sent intermediate students to participate in the WE conference and will be sending a team of CVES students to this year’s WE conference in Ottawa. An ongoing campaign to collect pop tabs to purchase wheelchairs for the March of Dimes continues as a school wide effort. The students have been formally recognized by the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation as the elementary school to raise the most money in Ontario through the Jump Rope for Heart event. Our community fosters, through these efforts, a strong sense of citizenship.
Our students show leadership skills in all aspects of our sports program winning regional and Board championships in various sports. This attests to the effort our students put into our strong intramural programs offered by our teachers where our intermediate students take a leading role.
The staff at Castor Valley brings a wealth of professional qualifications to our school community. These include Bachelors and Masters degrees in Arts, Fine Arts, Linguistics, Music, Physical Education, Kinesiology, Sciences, Technology and Police College. In addition, we have additional qualifications in Special Education, Reading, Music, French as a Second Language, Visual Arts and Computers in Education.
Our teachers serve at the Board level, taking part in Leadership training, in Mentoring initiatives for our beginning teachers as well as many other curriculum related opportunities. They have actively participated in numerous Board wide professional development activities in Literacy, Numeracy, Health & Safety and Equity.
Our parent community contributes countless hours of volunteer work to Castor Valley to enrich the learning environment for our students and staff. Fundraising efforts contribute a substantial dollar amount each year to support needs within our school and to fund improvement projects.
Parent volunteers:
• ensure the beautification and maintenance of our school yard and successfully raised the funds to replace two play structures;
• plan and deliver an alternative lunch program and daily milk program;
• organize annual events including Christmas Shopping Day, Used Book Sale and Fun Night;
• implement new fundraising ideas each year such as Fundscrips, etc.
• support many learning opportunities from volunteering to read with primary students to supervising during school wide events and on field trips.
Many dedicated volunteers come into the school regularly to take on any odd jobs to support our teaching team and staff. The generous gifts of time and flexibility of all our volunteers directly benefit students and teachers alike within the school. We estimate that parents provide 4000 hours of volunteer time and raise approximately $25,000 annually. We thank our parents, former students and community members for being invaluable partners in education.
We would like to thank our community partners who continue to so ably assist us; our School Resource Officer, Ottawa Public Health nurses, the Royal Canadian Legion for their wonderful work in supporting our Literacy and Arts programs, the Lion’s Club for funding our ‘No Child Left Without” Medical Alert and Vision Screening Programs, our local firefighters who participate in special events, and our local newspapers that help us document and highlight our school events and our students’ achievements. We also thank the residents of the Metcalfe Community Center, our Emergency Evacuation site.