Organized physical activities include:
- Soccer
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Cross-Country Running
- Badminton
- Touch Football
- Snowshoeing
- Downhill Skiing
- Winter Activity Days (gr. 6-8)
- Track and Field
Students can also participate in:
- Field trips
- Spirit Days
- Terry Fox Run/Walk
- Jump Rope for Heart
- Concert band, Percussion Group
- Choirs and Vocal Ensemble
Leadership and citizenship skills are developed and demonstrated through such programs as:
- Intermediate Student Ambassadors
- Milk & lunchtime monitors
- Green Team and Recycling programs
Our students also participate in charitable events such as food drives, Education Foundation’s Toonie Tuesday and various other student initiated fundraising activities to benefit others in need.
CVES has been recognized by the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation as the elementary school in Ontario that has raised the most money through the Jump Rope for Heart event for the past three years. Many organizations greatly benefit from the active participation and commitment of our students and their families in such events.