Castor Valley has 17 busses transporting our students to and from school.
The bus zone area is out of bounds for stopping or parking between 9:00AM to 9:30AM and 3:00PM to 3:55PM.

(every day or when individual bus routes are canceled.)
Please do not drop your children off before the 9:05am bell. Staff do not begin supervising children until 9:05am. Additionally, children are not able to join the EDP group unless they have registered for EDP.
Student drop offs will continue to happen simultaneously with bus drop offs. This is allowing parents to drop their children off with very little wait time and limit how long cars are stopped along Grey’s Creek Road.
To ensure a clear pathway for arriving buses, please line up along Grey’s Creek Road AFTER the bus entrance. Do not park/wait on the road before the bus entrance. Please wait along the roadside until a staff member motions the first group of cars (approx. 7 cars) into the drop off zone once the bell rings at 9:05am.
The first group (approx. 7 cars) will pull into the drop off area. The first car should pull all the way up to the staff member at the front of the drop off area, and alongside pylons that will line the area.

The children will disembark from all cars at once. This will allow a larger number of students to disembark at once. Children should walk between the pylons and fence to the closest open gate and then walk on the sidewalk to their yard.
This entire group of cars will be held in place until all children have cleared the drop off area. Thank you for your patience and support in keeping all students safe by not moving your car until a staff member has signaled that it is safe to leave. Please drive forward slowly and exit back onto Grey’s Creek Road.
The next group of cars should slowly enter the drop off area once they see these cars leaving. Remain on Grey’s Creek Road until there is space for you in the drop off area. Do not wait on or block the bus entrance.
INCLEMENT WEATHER DAYS (To be followed when all student transportation is canceled by OSTA.)
If buses are canceled, they are canceled for the entire day. Parents would be responsible for dropping their children off at school and for picking them up at the end of the school day.
You will be able to pull into the bus loading zone anytime between 9:05-9:25am to drop your child off to supervising staff. If it is after that time, your child should come into the main office to sign in.
Do not drop your child off before 9:05am. We do not have supervision for students before 9:05am.

(every day or when individual bus routes are canceled.)
Students who are being picked up by parents will wait until buses have left. The first car should line up with the middle entrance (where buses enter) and cars will follow the same direction the buses move (go in at the middle/main entrance following the direction of the arrow and exit through the far exit.)
Detailed instructions are as follows:
All students will be picked up after the buses have loaded and left.
Please line up in the designated area on Grey’s Creek Road. (Please drive to the end of the road to turn around and pull up into the line of cars on the curb.)
Please hug the curb and only park on one side of the road so buses, our Grey’s Creek neighbours, and staff are able to drive through on the road.
Do not block any laneways or entrances/exits.
Once parked, parents remain in their cars.
Once the buses are loaded and leave the Buses Only area, a staff member will gesture at parent cars to pull into the bus loading zone and Kindergarten area.
- Parents with Kindergarten students should veer to the right into the Kindergarten loading area (marked as ‘drop off area’) along the black chain link fence. Kindergarten students and their siblings will be waiting for pick up at the Kindergarten exit. Please pull forward as far as possible so we can get as many cars into the pick up area as possible.
- All other cars should veer to the left into the “Buses Only” area as all other students will be waiting there. Please pull forward as far as possible so we can get as many cars into the pick up area as possible.
- Please wait for the cars in front of you to move before pulling out to leave. This will ensure student safety as students load into their cars.
Once all students have loaded into the first set of cars, the cars will drive away slowly and the next set of cars will enter the loading zone.
We ask that all early pickups for appointments/activities happen before 3:30pm and are communicated to both the homeroom teacher and office at or 613-821-1272 so we can have your child(ren) ready when you arrive.
NEW! If you arrive at 3:15pm or later, please park along the chain link fence in the Kindergarten drop off area. Do not park in the bus zone at that time as buses are beginning to arrive for the end of day routine.
Please come into the office to sign your child out for all early pickups.
INCLEMENT WEATHER DAYS (To be followed when all student transportation is canceled by OSTA.)
If buses are canceled, they are canceled for the entire day. Parents would be responsible for dropping their children off at school and for picking them up at the end of the school day.
** At the end of the day, please park your car and come into the front entrance of the school beginning at 3:30pm, and before 4:00pm. All of the children will be gathered in the foyer and will be handed off to their parents.